
Water, Herbs and Spells. Oh My!

I am aware that I haven’t posted in a few days. It’s been an interesting past few days. I ordered an herb book, which I found out that I’m drinking nowhere near enough water. Apparently, you’re supposed to drink half your weight in water. Example:
100lbs/2= 50 lbs
Then, you switch the pounds to oz. That would mean you have to drink 50oz of water if you weigh 100lbs.
It seems like a lot, but it’s actually not as bad as it seems. The past couple of days, I’ve made a point to drink the correct amount of water a day and it has been becoming increasingly easier. I don’t really notice I’m drinking that much water. I also officially got my first Mortar and Pestle in the mail today. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to use it. I’m a little wary about mixing herbs yet. I would like to start with some already existing remedies before I start mixing on my own. There’s so much about it that I don’t know yet.
Alright, now for me getting better at this whole meditation thing. I have honestly been practicing more and more. I still have issues, but it seems to be getting a little better each time. I’m rather excited about that.  I have found that a big issue is not falling asleep or keeping my brain on task. Also, I have issues remembering to meditate. I am getting better at it though.
Now, my adventure to making my book of shadows. I’m not sure if my sister is still going to assist me. She’s kind of in a wigged out mode that everything seems to be making her upset. It makes me worry about her, not because she doesn’t seem interested anymore, but because she seems extremely stressed out. As for the information in my book of shadows, that adventure has been filled with issues. I’m really not that worried about order or anything, but I have a few spells that I was allowed to have from Magickaspace. However, I have no idea for what they are used for. I have a problem with certain spells as well because I severely dislike negative magick. I believe deeply in karma, what comes around goes around and of course, the threefold rule. I have been told many times that using magic for personal gain is bad, which I agree with. I was informed by many books and people, that if you ask for something specific it is negative. However, if you ask for a more broad spectrum thing it is not considered negative.
I want the job promotion that I have been nominated for. – Negative
Why? Because of the consequences. I may not be equipped enough to handle the job, or the other person might have deserved it more. It is also a very selfish request, the world does not revolve around me and I should not expect it to.
I am asking to please have money brought my way for (insert thing). – Positive
Why? This has fewer consequences. I am not asking to take something from someone else. I am asking for whatever means the universe, the Goddess and God feel is proper for me to get those funds. It will be brought to me if I need it and it will be in a way that will do the least amount of damage.
If anyone has any suggestions for spells that are not negative, whether beginner or advanced (just please tell me which is which), I would greatly appreciate it. I feel as if I am floundering a bit in this area. I’m sure it will get better as I go, but help is always appreciated.

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