
Strange Things You Don't See Coming

                I am aware that I haven’t posted in awhile. It’s been a very strange past couple of days. Let’s go back to Tuesday. If my bird hadn’t driven me crazy to the point where I decided to go outside to read in the beautiful spring air, I probably would have missed this. As I was outside reading, I noticed a squirrel had climbed down onto out metal bird-feeder. It was interesting watching him eat from the bird feeder. He was upside down, shoving his little paws inside the little holes and pulling out seeds. He then proceeded to consume them. What made this whole situation so bizarre and amusing, was what happened when he would get tired. He went down to the bottom of the bird-feeder, which was hanging from a tree, and hung right off the bottom by his bottom paws. He threw his arms up above his head, towards the ground, and just hung there like a limp rag-doll. I sat there was watched this squirrel for quite awhile, laughing at his adorable antics.
                Then later one, after my mom and I had finished dinner, she came out asking me if her sweatpants looked on her. I responded that they looked perfectly fine and asked why. She said because she wanted to make sure when we went to Rita’s Italian Ice, that she didn’t look strange.  I was like; we’re going to Rita’s? She responded yes and I was like, um ok. I figured at the very least I could get out of the house. When we got there, I vaguely noted to myself that there was a female walking down the street, and I was wondering where she was head. Anyways, someone parked so close to us that there was no way I was going to be able to get out of the car even if I didn’t have crutches. My mom, frustrated, waited for someone to leave a spot closer to the building and then proceeded to pull into that one. If we hadn’t done that, I’m not sure if what happened next would have actually happened if we hadn’t. The woman that I had mentally noted earlier stopped us asking where a certain restaurant was, which I had been right where I originally thought it was but she had the address wrong so I assumed I was wrong. She was from Maine and she was down in our area because she was visiting her daughter, who had borrowed her car to take to work. This woman was planning on walking to this restaurant. My mom and I proceeded to help her find out where it was, the young couple who we asked looked at us like we were crazy. However, my mom asked another gentleman who told my mom where it was. The funny thing was, she had asked two older women who told her where it was too. The only thing was she had no idea what they were talking about.  My mom and I tried to tell her it was a crazy walk and we would take her there. After a little persuading that it was fine, we didn’t mind dropping her off at all. We proceeded to take her to the restaurant, which was about a 15-20 minute drive on very large roads. The conversation we had was amazing. We talked about cell reproduction, illness, herbs, and so many other things. It’s was just completely mind-blowing. The very very strange thing that happened though was when she was talking to my mom and I had zoned out some. I turned to look at her and I swear I saw a Native American sitting in the front passenger seat. I blinked, and she was back. The interesting thing was that she did have dark hair, but she was very white. We dropped her off and watched her walk into the building before we left, we always wait to make sure the person get’s in safe. When my mom and I started to talk about the situation, she mentioned that she had glanced over and saw a male Native American sitting next to her at one point.  I was floored, I couldn’t believe we had both seen that. It was amazing! I asked her why she had wanted to go to Rita’s tonight, because she hadn’t asked me to go. She just sort of said we’re going. She said that something popped into her head saying “Go to Rita’s!” She had responded back to it that she was full and that she didn’t need it. The thought proceeded to yell into her head to go to Rita’s, so we went. I still feel the strange high that the situation and created when I think about it. I wish I understood why it happened.
                Some other strange things, the HUGE animal that looked exactly like a squirrel that was on a leash and was being taken for a walk. We also saw three gigantic beavers. They were bigger than my 20 plus pound cat. It was the strangest thing. The boy that come to my house, who I’ve known for years and consider a little brother, had not talked to his mom about turning in his project late. I had asked her on the phone what had been decided to try to make sure it didn’t happen again and she started yelling at me about how furious she was with her 8 year old son for forgetting his project. The thing is, his father woke him up about 30 minutes before the bus was supposed to be there so he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Anyways, she asked him today what he got on his project (I had just asked him before she got there, what had happened last night in regards to the project. He had said nothing. Apparently his mom hadn’t mentioned it). When he told her that he got an A, a nine out of ten, she was proud of him but then asked why he got a nine. The thing was, I had told her all of this yesterday.  He told her that he had turned it in late and she asked why. She started babbling trying to explain why. She then sort of shrugged it off with an ok. If I hadn’t been sitting, I would have fallen over. I couldn’t believe it, especially after how she had lit into me the other day.
                I also worked on some of my meditations again and feeling power. I didn’t do very well, which I was a little upset about, but practice makes perfect right? Considering everything that has happened in the past couple of days, I think I’ve done pretty well. I know I probably haven’t been practicing enough, but I have been experiencing Magic just not in the way that I was told to practice. That’s life though, usually things don’t work the way you want them too. It just does it another way. I can’t wait to experience more.

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