
An Update That Should Have Come A Lot Sooner.

                I have to admit and give myself an epic fail for not doing something that I promised myself I would. I had every intention to keep up on posting on here. I wanted to make sure that I was documenting information and what I was doing, that way I could see my progress. Today’s post will be a little long and I apologize for that. It if just mostly to fill in, what I can remember, the days that I haven’t posted about. So, here we go!
                First thing, my wand. I have yet to take update pictures, so I don’t have any better one’s to share like I said I would. I apologize for that. However, I did want to fill you in a little more on the process. I had to go get the branch on crutches. That was an adventure all on its own and the sanding process was quite difficult. I do feel quite proud of what I accomplished though.
                In my last post I mentioned a reading that I did, that I am quite proud of. I am learning about Tarot and my best friend said that I could practice on her. I am using the Rider/Waite cards, so the translations are a little hard to understand. I had to kind of go with my gut. I’m not going to give specifics, because that is not my place to share. That information was between me and my best friend. Anyways, I actually managed to get it spot on. She had a sort of amused look on her face because she could see how unsure I was and I said to her “Was any of that right? I’m trying, but I’m not completely sure what I’m doing.” She smiled and said that I actually got a lot of it spot on. I was very proud of myself. It was a great sense of accomplishment, like I could actually go something. I wasn’t a loser or incompetent.
                Now on to the research I did. One day especially, I went on a huge research binge. I was looking up everything and anything that I could get my hands on about Wicca. However, I did run into some issues trying to figure out what was correct and what wasn’t. I really wish there was a Wicca database on a world wide website. That would be wonderful. Maybe that’s something I need to do one day. Anyways, there were a couple things I was really searching through. The first thing was Handfasting. I have been drawn to this ever since I saw it mentioned on Charmed. However, I’m not sure if the information they used was correct or not. I really love the concept of it though. I also looked into a lot of information about the moon and its phases. That was actually quite interesting. Especially when I found out that a Blue Moon is actually when month has two full moons in it. The second moon is called a Blue Moon. I was very excited to share that with people when they dropped the phrase, “Once in a Blue Moon.”  I also did some looking into Astrology. The thing is, there is sooo much information out there about it that it’s almost impossible to figure out what you should take from it. It’s very possible that figure that out will just come with time and patience.
                I have officially purchased a life-time subscription to Magicka School. I was, sometimes still am, skeptical as to if I should have done that or not. None the less I have and there is nothing I can do about it now expect make the best of it and learn. Since I subscribed, I have downloaded a lot of books and signed up for a third class. The third one is an Herb class. I’m actually very excited about this class. It gives me a place to start when it comes to herbs. Not much more to say about that class because I have barely just started it. I am proud to say that on my second Tarot exam I got 100% and a 94% on my Wicca Exam.  I am debating whether I should also sign up for the Spell Class or just finish some of my other one first. I will have a heavy class load in the fall, so I don’t want to burn myself out or have 6 tests all in one week or back to back. Any suggestions or opinions are always welcome.
                I think that covers a lot of the information I have been bad about updating. I’m sure everything will have more detail as things go along, but I think I’ve posted everything I can think of at this time. Like I said before, any suggestions, opinions or information anyone can provide is extremely helpful and I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.
Blessed Be. <3

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